The Garrett County Agricultural Fair, Inc. and the Barn Quilt Association of Garrett County, Inc. are working to add barn quilts to some of the fair buildings. Opportunities for organizations to sponsor barn quilts in memory of someone, in honor of a specific agricultural sector, etc. are available.
For instance, the dairy barn could house the “Churn Dash” quilt block, or another building could house a “farmers’ daughter” quilt block.
Barn quilts will be sized based on the size of the building, usually 4’x4’ or 8’x8’. An 8’x8’ costs $300, a 4’x4’ costs $100.
All barn quilts must be approved by the Fair Association and Barn Quilt Association.
For more information or to discuss your ideas, contact the Barn Quilt Association toll free at 877-577-2276 or