Barn Owners – Want a Quilt on your Barn?barn where the garden maze barn quilt would be mounted
If you would like to participate in Garden Maze barn quiltthis program with your barn, please download the application for a quilt square on your barn, complete the form and return to us at the address below.  The Locations/Routes committee developed criteria for choosing barns (visibility from the road, upkeep of the farm, traffic flow, etc.)  When you contact us, you will be added to the “potential sites” list.

Barn Quilt Price List
8’x8′: $450
6’x6′: $350
4’x4′: $250
2’x2′: $150

Sponsors Are Needed
Don’t have a barn but would like to sponsor a quilt? Download the application for quilt square sponsorship to get started!  All contributions will be used to help expand the barn quilt project in Garrett County.

Click Here to Sponsor a Barn Quilt or Make a Donation online

To sponsor a quilt by mail, send it to:
Barn Quilt Association of Garrett County
1916 Maryland Hwy, Suite A
Oakland, MD  21550

We’re always happy to have more volunteers!  We need help laying out and painting the designs, hanging the barn quilts, researching the designs for copyright issues, and more!