Please register by April 8.
You can download, complete, and mail the pdf version of the registration form to mail or drop off with your check.
Or, click on your registration choice(s) below to register and securely pay online with a credit or debit card. We are charged transaction fees for online registrations. If you need to choose multiple options, click the first option below, and when the paypal shopping cart screen pops up, click “continue shopping” and come back to choose the next option to add to your shopping cart.
Registration Options:
- $55.00 ♦ All Events Friday & Saturday (includes Friday light refreshments and Saturday light refreshments and lunch)
- $10.00 ♦ Friday only: Vintage Quilt Share & Tell (includes light refreshments)
- $50.00 ♦ Saturday all day only (includes both morning and afternoon lectures, light refreshments & lunch)
- $30.00 ♦ Saturday Morning Lecture, 9:30 am to noon, A Quilted Memory by Mary W. Kerr, Saturday (no lunch)
- $30.00 ♦ Saturday Afternoon Lecture, noon to 3:30 pm, Saving Our Treasures by Mary W. Kerr, Saturday (no lunch)
- $10.00 ♦ Lunch Saturday