One Weekend, Two Fantastic Vintage Quilt Events!

(No Sewing Required!  Just bring a love of quilts!)

Register for both and save! – Deadline extended to April 8

Friday, April 12  (Click here to register!at Dutch’s at Silver Tree, (address: 567 Glendale Road, Oakland, MD 21550)

6:30 pm


Bring your vintage quilts to share, Barn Quilt Festival 059_Smdiscuss, and admire in a relaxed, social atmosphere.  Light refreshments included in $10 fee.

Also featuring: 

As Time Goes By –
Our Five Year Barn Quilt Journey

Presented by the Barn Quilt Association of Garrett County, Inc.

Saturday, April 13  (Click here to register!) , St. Peter’s Social Hall, (address: 208 South Fourth Street, Oakland, MD 21550)

8:30-9:30 Registration & Light Refreshments

9:30 – noon


Out of the Trunk and Off the Tables

mary kerr quilt picA unique trunk show and discussion about quilting with “found” fabrics. This lecture includes many examples and ideas for working with vintage textiles, old ties, period clothing, feedsacks and more.  Enjoy quilts from our presenter, Mary Kerr’s book, A Quilted Memory and become inspired to create your own treasured pieces.  Each Participant is encouraged to bring a treasured linen to show and share. Together we will discuss new ways to honor our older textiles and the memories they inspire.

Noon to 1:00 pm, lunch

1:00 – 3:30 pm


After lunch, A trunk show and discussion that focuses on preserving our quilted textiles. We will discuss repair, restoration, conservation and appreciation as it relates to the textiles we have been entrusted to care for. Audience members are invited to bring their own vintage quilts to share and discuss as time allows.

Both Saturday Presentations by: 

Mary W. Kerrmary kerr pic

An American Quilt Society certified appraiser, author and an award winning quilter, she is a quilt historian whose lectures and workshops focus on quilt history and the preservation of antique textiles.

She owns Pieced of Olde, a small business that specializes in restoration and repair of antique textiles.  

(Click here to register!)

Register for both and save! 
Deadline extended to April 8

Thanks to our sponsors!

Proceeds benefit the Barn Quilt Association of Garrett County, Inc.


This event has been financed in part with State Funds from the Maryland Heritage Areas Authority.